Heal Yourself At Home Course

This Course is designed to help you evaluate your lifestyle, thoughts and behaviours, while supporting you to change anything that hinders your health and healing. It is aimed at anyone looking for more natural ways to heal themselves and improve their lives.

The course consists of TWENTY stand-alone modules and each module comes with its own action plan to help you to integrate the information further.

It supports you to take baby steps to your new future, a happier and healthier you.


Sarah’s insight on the truth of healing is truly revolutionary to those who have been told by the western medical professionals that their health is “incurable.”

Her approach is bold, but it is a needed push to shift you into the reality that you can heal despite any circumstances.

Better quality of life is ALWAYS possible.

As someone who works in patient advocacy as a nonprofit CEO, I can’t recommend her enough.

Winslow Dixon

Your content is great and very well presented and there is a lot of great information, it's clear you've done your research. Very professional. Overall, it's been interesting, insightful and impact full.  

Laurie Graham 

Supporting articles written by specialist coaches

Action plans provided for each module, to support you in identifying issues and planning change.

Hi, I’m

Sarah Dawkins

BSc (Hons), MSc, Holistic Health Coach

I am a Holistic Health Coach, Keynote Speaker, Author, multi-award winning entrepreneur and I was a Registered Nurse for twenty years.

After naturally self-healing a multitude of health issues, I understand what it is like to be sick.

Using the knowledge from my own personal healing journey and experience as a nurse, I take a holistic approach in my work.

Private Coaching Sessions

Private coaching sessions are available for anyone wanting one to one support on their own healing journey.

I promise to listen to your concerns, with an open mind, compassion and be non-judgemental.